dijous, 11 de novembre del 2010


What an unbelievable experience. Sorry I could not send any news yesterday, but I will tell you later.

We left Mérida at six o'clock in the morning, and we met Armando who is a dentist, and Pepe who is a jet pilot. We needed to do almost 1000 kilometer through Yucatán. We had the jungle full of crocodiles and snakes on the left, and the Gulf of México on the right most of the day. It was very hot, around 30 degrees. We arrived at quarter past eight in Vera Cruz, where we would stay in a simple motel. We had no internet and we were all very tired. We had a hamburger and quickly went to bed.

The next morning we woke up at seven o'clock and we went to have breakfast. After, we jumped on the bikes and left for Querétaro to join the Harley Owners Group 2010 Mexico rally (H.O.G.) This day we went over lots of mountains. It was a bit fresher today. We saw snow on the mountain tops. We also saw that many people live in poverty.

We arrived late afternoon and had to register. There were already more than a thousand Harleys.
The hotel is really nice. We had dinner in the center of Querérato. I will tell you about the H.O.G. rallye later. Tomorrow morning we will go again on the bike at nine o'clock and after we will join all the parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010


Avui va ser el nostre últim dia a Mèrida. Un altre cop, el meu pare havia de treballar. Mentre treballava, vaig tenir l'oportunitat de veure una mica de Mèrida amb el "cangur" per als nens del propietari de la botiga de Harley-Davidson que es deia Alberto o "Beto". Ell és un lluitador profesional i un mag també. Després d'això, em vaig quedar a casa i dinar amb tot el qrup de Harley-Davidson en un restaurant típic de Yucatán. Vaig tenir Queso Relleno per dinar, i per dinar Empanada de Queso. A la tarda vaig tornar a la casa amb el Beto i els altres nens. Al final del dia, vam anar a veure la nostra moto i va fer una prova per veure si tot el nostre equipatge cap en la moto. Té un maquina de CD amb quatre altaveus i vam donar un petit passeig a l'aparcament escoltar "Max Mix".

Ens hem de despertar a les 04:45, així que em vaig al llit. Demà anem en camí amb 6 motos a Còrdova. Serà el dia a la carretera. Fins més tard.

Today was our last day in Mérida. Again, my father had to work. While he was working, I had the chance to see a bit of Mérida with the "canguro"for the children of the Harlewy-Davidson store owner called Alberto or Beto. He is a wrestler and a magician as well. After that, I stayed at their house and had lunch with all the H-D staff in a restaurante tipico de Yucatán. In the afternoon I went back to the house with Beto and the other kids. At the end of the day, we tried our bike and did a test to see if all our luggage would fit on the bike. It has a CD- player with four speakers and we took a little ride in the parking listening to Max Mix.

We have to wake up at 04:45, so I am going to bed. Tomorrow we ride with 6 bikes to Cordoba. It will be long day on the road. Until later.

dilluns, 8 de novembre del 2010


Nuestro primer día en Mérida, en el sur de México: Nunca he visto tantos policías y soldados con ametralladoras muy, muy grande. El presidente de México asistirá a una conferencia en el hotel DONDE ESTAVAMOS NOSOTROS!!! Hay soldados por todas partes. Quería tomar fotos, pero mi padre dijo que no es tan buena idea.

México está celebrando su 200 aniversario de la independencia de España este año. Y que están celebrando el 100 aniversario de su revolución también.

Hoy mi padre tenía que trabajar todo el día. Hemos visto nuestras Harley-Davidson ya que es "padrisimo" !!!!!!!!!!!!

Esta noche alguien va a llevar la Harley-Davidson al hotel, para que podamos dar un paseo después del trabajo. Saldremos en la mañana del miércoles a las 6:00 de la mañana de nuestro viaje a través de México.


Our first day in Mérida, in the South of México: I have never seen so many policemen and soldiers with big, big machineguns before. The president of México is attending a conference in OUR hotel! There are soldiers everywhere. I wanted to take pictures, but my dad said it is not such a good idea.

México is celebrating their 200th anniversary of independence from Spain this year. And they are celebrating the 100th anniversary of their revolution as well.

Today my dad had to work all day, so I did not do much. We have seen our Harley-Davidson already, which is "padrisimo"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight someone will bring the bike to the hotel, so we can take it for a ride after work. We will leave on Wednesday morning at 6 o'clock in the morning for our journey through Mexico.

diumenge, 7 de novembre del 2010


Overhere I will show you some pictures from my trip to Mexico. We flew from Barcelona to Madrid and from there to Mexico city. We stayed in a hotel for one night and the next morning we took a plane to Mérida in Yucatán in the South of Mexico. The trip from Barcelona to Madrid
was 50 minuts, from Madrid to Ciudad de Mexico was 11 hours and from Ciudad de Mexico to Mérida was 1 hour and a half.

dijous, 4 de novembre del 2010


Hola, aquest es el blog que utilitzare per comunicarme amb els meus companys de classe, mentre jo estigui a MEXIC!!
Jo estare una setmana a Mexic amb el meu pare, perque ell te de trballar allà per Harley Davidson, i m'ha dit que si volia anar amb ell, i jo li vaig dir que SIIII!!!
Flamming-Harley-Davidson Pictures, Images and Photos